Opinion - Part 6

Scripture Reading - Job 6:29 1965 Bible in Basic English (BBE)

Let your minds be changed, and do not have an evil opinion of me; yes, be changed, for my righteousness is still in me.

In today’s lesson we will continue to speak on the topic of “speaking your mind which we are using the single word “opinion”. In a previous lesson on expressing your “opinion” we elaborated on three traits to have present before “speaking your thoughts”. The first was being content to be quiet because speaking too much causes problems and trying to fix those problems once spoken only brings more conversation which causes more problems, so on and so forth. The second was being mindful not to talk back or speak over those in authority and please give first place to elders when speaking around them. We know this is pleasing in God’s Eyes and it is polite and bright to treat people right. Amen! Thirdly, we spoke about bringing God on the scene by speaking the Mind of Christ which is basically the “opinion of God” concerning all things upon the earth, inside the earth and all things above the earth. We also taught a lesson on speaking your own “personal opinion” and not mingling God into it. Yes, we highlighted the fact that many Christians think their interpretation of God is God but God is described, explained and interrupted through God’s Holy Word alone, so never think that your own “personal opinion” is equivalent to the Holy Scriptures as God’s voice to all mankind. In another lesson we touched on weighing the “popular opinion of men” against God’s Word. We should never assume that what we are hearing from others is good simply because the “popular opinion” of men thinks it is good. We are not trained to follow the crowd but we are created to follow Jesus. Also, in a previous lesson we looked into reviewing your “own opinion” of yourself. That specific lesson taught on not thinking too highly or lowly of yourself but rather staying humble by adopting “God’s Opinion” of you as your very “own opinion” of yourself. We also spoke about the “opinions” of others because whether good or bad we at least need to listen to others to judge whether what they are saying has some merit to it. Yes, sometimes a word of correction is exactly what we need to grow in Christ. However, if certain people just want to be mean and critical without any rational examples we should disregard their comments. Today’s topic will continue to look at “opinions” with the emphasis on not having a “negative opinion” of others. In the reference scripture for this lesson we see that the friends of Job had a “negative opinion” of Job in that moment. So when they were thinking to be comforters to Job according to Job 16:2 they were failing miserably. The problem was not that they didn’t know how to comfort the real problem lies in their “negative opinion” of Job. Their error in thinking that bad doesn’t come to good people is where their “negative opinion” of Job came from. You see, our faith friend, you can easily choose your own “opinion” of another whether good or bad. Every person makes a decision to look at people in a positive light or a negative light. When highlighting the story of Job we know Job was not a wicked or deceitful man but their “negative opinion” about Job led them to treat him in a “negative” way. Yes, this is always true that your beliefs create your thoughts and your thoughts create your words and the words will typically precede your actions. Therefore, please filter your beliefs into “positive opinions” of others as opposed to “negative opinions” of others. We are not recommending that you always believe in people no matter what without using any discretion. No, what we are recommending is that you think about how much God loves you and adopt “His opinion” of men over your own. God (Love) believes the best in people so our Lord is willing to help if they call on His Name. Likewise, if we know the individual and they call upon our name for help, we should have the “positive opinion” that we will help where we can and if we can’t we could pray for their welfare through God. Yes, we (ihlcc) will acknowledge that there are many evil people in the world but that shouldn’t exclude us from having a compassionate heart that wants them to be saved one day. Yes, in our own life there were many who thought evil of me because I didn’t fit their description of an ideal Christian. The same people who are supposed to help me wanted to distance themselves from me because they considered me a heathen who was against God. However, thanks be God, at the appointed time a true believer with a loving heart did reach-out to me and helped me greatly even when I couldn’t help myself. When you’re in darkness you have no clue what to do. Some people want to know more about God but if the church of the Lord Jesus Christ runs from them how shall they find out about the Great God we love and serve. Yes, it was nothing more than several “negative opinions” that skewed (distorted) the mind of certain believers and their actions influenced me in a negative direction. Remember a little leaven of evil thinking spoils (taints) the whole lump of thoughts (opinions) according to 1 Corinthians 5:6 When we as Believers in Love (Christ Jesus) fail to love others those same others fail to love God, simply because they don’t know how to love. It is always easier to think the worst about people rather than the best. Have you notice that our mind naturally thinks evil of others. Let a man be accused of doing something evil he is condemned by the public even before the court case. We used to say they are innocent until proven guilty but that is not what “popular opinion” believes today. We must fight hard to keep our thoughts pure which means thinking good thoughts about others so that we maintain a “positive opinion” of our fellowman, giving them the benefit of the doubt so to speak. If I didn’t have a true believer show me the way of love by their personal actions of individual love to me I can honestly say I would not know how to properly love other people. People who display Jesus in action constantly love others, not just in word but in heart revealing itself (Himself, Divine Love) in thoughts (beliefs), words and deeds. God’s true love knows no limits nor does love ever think evil according to 1 Corinthians 13:5. So always keep a “holy opinion” of people that fully understands that all people need help because all people need God’s mercy. Therefore our call to action should be first to consider God’s Love and then understand that “God’s Opinion” of each individual should be considered first, then our own “opinion” about certain people should follow to see if we line up with God. Please be ready to renew your mind when necessary because we (ihlcc) could tell you stories of us coming to God with a “negative opinion” about someone else only to have God tell us we need to change. The Lord essentially said that it was our “negative opinion” of the individual that is causing the problem not specifically the individual themself. For we wrestle not against flesh and blood but against wicked spirits in heavenly places. We simply needed to change our thoughts and develop a more loving heart toward the individuals in question to see a higher return on our understanding of them. Isn’t just like God to cover the sins of others (because true love doesn’t find fault with another) and at the same time reveal to us our sin of judging another. Yes, all “evil opinions” of people need to be silenced and removed while all “positive opinions” of others need to be displayed and remain because it is not about doing a bunch of good things for other people but it is all about being willing and mindful to help who we can because we have a “godly opinion” about others and we know God’s Grace is present to help in the time of need. If we do this humbly and continuously we are sure The Lord Jesus Himself will lead us and guide us into all truth so God’s Will can be established on earth in individual people as many as can receive Him (God) in Jesus Name. Amen!